Artwork Inspiration
Below are the various subjects of my artwork and how they came to be. The original photos taken to produce my artwork were taken either on safari trips or visits to Wildlife parks and other organisations.
I hope you enjoy the story behind each drawing.
Close Encounter
The photographs used to create this drawing were taken by myself on a trip to Zambia.
Having just one day left in Livingstone and although the sound of Victoria Falls themselves was pretty impressive, I couldn't turn down a day walking with lions at Lion Encounters.  Lion Encounter Livingstone operates stage one of the African Lion Rehabilitation and Release into the Wild Programme, supported by the African Lion and Environmental Research Trust (ALERT).
Walking with two young lionesses while they played and interacted with each other and their surroundings during as part of their preparation for release was a unique privilege.  I managed to take a number of photos when I wasn't too busy just observing and being part of it. The light and the look of this particular photograph made it a definite to be turned into a work of art.
The Sentinel
The Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF) in Kent is a UK based charity concerned with endangered big cats.
As a volunteer at the foundation, if it wasn't reward enough cleaning out, painting and watering shrubs in, amongst others, Tiger enclosures, I got time to spend with and to photograph the cats afterwards.
Snow Leopard
Marwell Wildlife Park is a good place to visit. It is a Hampshire based charity, dedicated to the conservation of wildlife.
I took quite a few photos of two Snow Leopards which were having a good game chasing each other. A third party decided to join in the game and one Snow Leopard must have decided that was more fun or maybe just easier to catch! This young Snow Leopard climbed up on to a rock and sat watching, maybe hoping his playmate would get bored and return to play with him.
Gorilla Infant
On a visit to Howletts Wild Animal Park to photograph Elephants, I stopped by the Gorilla enclosures. There was one Gorilla not tucked away inside but after waiting for just a few minutes a few more came out to join the first. A female Gorilla then came out, clutching a tiny baby. After I got a couple of shots the rest of the family gathered round.
The youngster that I have drawn here was watching a couple of other young Gorillas interacting with each other. The light shone in his eyes at just the right moment to provide the all important catch lights in the eyes that just makes a picture.
Behind Sight is a Wonderful Thing - Lion Cub
The photos for this drawing were taken in Zambia on the same trip as the photos that made up Close Encounter.
As the lionesses were going about their business, they’d often walk between bushes and occasionally lose each other and then cry until each knew where the other was. I photographed this particular lioness as she was walking towards her sister who was waiting ahead for her to catch up.